Elevate Your Health and Wellness Journey with ACE Solutions



ACE Solutions provides holistic solutions for individuals looking to improve their health and wellness. Customized guidance from healthcare professionals and access to fitness equipment and accessories can help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their health goals more effectively.


First Class

Home-Gym Equipment

Our Company services and offers a wide range of high-quality home gym equipment. We ensure that our products are carefully selected for durability, functionality, and safety. We work with reputable suppliers and conduct quality checks to provide our customers with the best gym equipment options.

Second Training

Yoga and Meditation Accessories

Enhance your practice with our premium accessories. We provide a wide variety of yoga and meditation accessories to enhance your wellness journey. Our accessories are designed to improve the comfort and effectiveness of your yoga and meditation sessions. We prioritize eco- friendly and sustainable materials in our product selection.

Third Class

Organic Products

We collaborate with labs, Pharmacies, and nutraceuticals to bring you quality organic products.

Why Choose us


We offer a one-stop solution for your health and wellness needs, providing convenient access to all the products and services you require for a healthy lifestyle.


Receive expert healthcare advice and support from the comfort and safety of your home with our online platform, saving you time and effort on travel.


Experience top-quality well-being products and services, where quality is our priority. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards in everything we offer, ensuring excellence throughout your healthcare journey.

Oue Services

Online Doctor Consultations

Access healthcare advice from a panel of experienced doctors.
The panel of doctors includes a Diabetologist, Cardiologist, Exercise specialist, and cosmetic surgeon.
Our online doctor consultation service connects you with a panel of experienced and certified healthcare professionals. We have a user-friendly platform where you can schedule and attend consultations from the comfort of your home. Our doctors are available to address various health concerns and provide expert guidance.

Wellness Consultations

Connect with physiotherapists, medical exercise trainers, and yoga instructors. We offer comprehensive wellness consultations with a team of professionals. Whether you need guidance on physical rehabilitation programs or yoga sessions. Our experts are here to assist you.
You can schedule personalized consultations and receive tailored recommendations for your well-being. These services include physiotherapy, yoga and meditation training, massage therapy, and personal fitness.


+91 7038187117